Getting SNMP info by phone.
Hi, I have a small Asterisk VOIP PBX running. It's the PBX in a Flash version from the Nerd Vittles site and I have it running off a USB key plugged into a Acer Revo small PC. One of the useful things about having your own PBX is that you can play about with things like IVR's (Interactive Voice Response), those annoying voice menu things you get when you ring up the gas board with a billing query. On Asterisk IVR's can also be very useful for technical doing stuff like running Linux command line utilities and getting the output read back to you with a text to speech voice. I have mine reading back my current ADSL connection speed, as my mine gets gradually slower after a few days. Here's how to do it: If you have a Centos/Redhat based Asterisk server you need to install SNMP utils. $> yum install net-snmp-utils Install any dependencies too. This will get you the snmpget command line tool. To get the connection speed out of my router, I would need to issue the command...